Nov. 7th , the cutie pie Sadie turned 3. Sadie has developed what we parents like to call,"sass". She wants to be fiercely independent and will demand to be heard. She will say, "Quite Reese, I'M talking!" (in her very high pitched, almost munchkin-like voice) She does, however, remain sweet and gentle to all things baby. She loves dolls and LOVES to take care of her little sister Jane. This is a trait in her I love. She is also a wonderful helper...if you say it in just the right tone...(and if it doesn't involve any of her toys or books). She is a beautiful little girl, inside and out. Sadie LOVES TO DANCE!!
Nov. 8th, the tornado that is Reese turned 5. Reese is always hopping around the house...usually on one foot. He is always making a weird noise with his mouth, he always speaks at the loudest possible volume, but he is so loving and affectionate. He is so tender. I had a video of him falling off a stool as he yells and cries in "pain" and he was mad at me b/c I didn't immediately erase it b/c he was embarrassed by it. He is nervous to look silly. He LOVES little babies and always pays attention to them. He reminds us to pray before we eat. He is extreme in his emotions. He lets me kiss and hug him all the time. I will take that for as long as he will let me...
Nov. 25th, the beam of energy known as Audrey turned 7. Audrey is excelling in school. She earns praises from her lovely teacher and is constantly pulling ahead. She is always reading and enjoys the Junie B Jones books. She always has a smile on her face and her eyes wide open. She is ready and excited for life. She has become more helpful and aware of her little siblings which has made me so happy. She loves to be silly and wild. She is so beautiful and tall and happy. She likes girl things, but is always making something out of sticks and tape and rocks. She is very inventive and has a wonderful sense of imagination.
Being a mother is hard for me sometimes. But it is also the most rewarding experience. When my father died, the only thing that brought me any type of comfort was and is the contentment of my children. Their smiling faces. I am so thankful to have such sweet, smart, loving children.
Happy Birtday:
Dad 26th (would be 59)
Mom 19th
Dad Huff 17th