Wednesday, April 25, 2007

my glasses

I went and bought these cute glasses for myself (yes, they are prescription)...ohhh, I don't know....almost a year ago. Ummmm probably 1 month after I had purchased them, Reese completely snapped the "arm" of the frames right off. Oohhhh, so, I went slightly ballistic (not my most shining moment as a mother). So, thus, they lay, torn and tossed aside, collecting dust for months and months and months.
I am too cheap to go buy a new pair, I mean, I probably had worn them like 20 times. I was so sad b/c I just loved these frames. So last week, I did a patch job on them. My tools were a toothpick, liquid nails, and hot glue. So, what do you think? Is it totally awful looking? I will probably never wear them out to social events or public or what have you, I think I would be way to self conscience. I do not want to turn into the mom who wears her slippers to the grocery store in the morning. I did wear them to pick Audrey up from pre-school the other day. As I talked to another mom there, I kept thinking that she was totally just staring at my hot glue gun bubble.
I know that I will just need to make myself another appointment with the optometrist and let go of my cute unused, totally wasted 200 bucks...other-wise-known-as my glasses.


angie said...

Those are really cute frames and I don't notice the bubble that much from the picture. It might look different in real life, but I'm sure it's not that bad! I say wear them with pride and if someone is too curious they can ask you and you can tell them the story. Bubblr glasses are not as bad as a bandaid on your face! Go Janelle!!!

D-dawg said...

Janelle, those frames are really cool! I would have the same feeling about letting them go when they cost so much and are super cute. Nothing is safe when you have children I guess. Now, I'm with Ang on the look of the bubble. It doesn't seem to show up too much when it's on your face. What does Michael think??

Lesley said...

I say go for it!!! You can't tell!!! They are too cute to not wear!!!!

Katherine said...

Franny broke mine once, too. I walked in right in time to watch her use her little hands to twist the frames and render them totally useless. I think I may have gone a bit ballistic myself. I can't tell. I think you did a nice patch job.

MishMyBelle said...

Janelle your hair is so light! It looks good. I agree...wear the frames! They are cute.

jenbahrens said...

What if you put another small bubble on the other side?

They are cute--you should wear them. No one will notice.