Sunday, August 24, 2008

my kids' pallettes

Is it weird that all of my kids get excited to eat celery? They love this strikes me as an odd kid food favorite...but maybe I am way off.

I DEFINITELY think that it is weird that they would rather eat...
dirt, chalk, & grass......

over homemade tacos....
Something is wrong here....


krisha said...

Consider yourself lucky that they will eat celery. My oldest says that eating anything other than pizza, pbj, chicken nuggets or hotdogs will make him gag and my youngest has a thing for chewing his shoe. I know how grossed out you are and I promise I have almost broken him of the habit.:)

Annette Rose said...

So thats funny... I think thats great that they'll eat celery. How did yo do that? I don't think my kids would touch it.
I am catching up on reading blogs and your posts always crack me up. I love the princess breakdown... I always have thought Disney movies have wierd parts, or things I don't want my kids to learn. Talk about spoiled... what I would'nt give to live in a big palace with someone to cook and clean for me. The whole flying on a magic carpet is just a huge bonus! :)
Congrats to Mike! That sounds really cool!

karen said...

wow !! your kids are werid.. just kidding !! that's good they will eat healthy stuff !! maybe you can try this cookbook, sneaky chef or something.. you sneak in good stuff in pancakes, etc... or maybe you don't need it since your kids are good eaters.