Thursday, September 6, 2007


I have a few comments to make regarding my children.

1. Sadie is drawn to the bathroom. This is her favorite place to spend time. She continually tries to crawl in full circle AROUND the ENTIRE toilet...thereby wedging herself in between the toilet and bathtub...She prefers to eat toilet paper than my well prepared meals. And her most favorite activity in this room is to pull herself up to standing position using the lid of the toilet. She then proceeds to try to play in the toilet water...
(As I am writing this, my stomach is churning in disgust....)

Now, I do try to keep the door closed. However, with 2 other children using the toilet, the door is sometimes left ajar....

2. Reese is still "potty training". He is doing really good...except he has gone ALMOST everyday with an "accident"... occasionally these accidents are not just potty, but poop as well.

Here is where my story begins:
I was washing the dishes after our lovely dinner of kelbasa, corn on the cob, and rice...when I looked up to see a slightly distressed look on Reese's face. He was outside playing on the back patio. His stance was askew, his legs a little further spread than normal. I knew it was coming...

He had gone the whole day w/o an "accident", but the day was not over yet.

I ran to him, only to be met with a frowny face of disappointed and fear.

The deed had already been done...The mess, shall we say, was already in his pants.

I was distressed at this moment...I have had enough of washing poopy underwear in the toilet, while the toilet water splashes on my hands. I was tired of scrubbing spots in the carpet.

But, I DID compose myself and rushed him to the bathroom calmly explaining for the 800th time about where poop goes....

He has poop on his bum and on his leg and even some on his hand, (it was unavoidable as I slid his underwear down).

The first thing I do (after i take the soiled britches off) is to throw them in the toilet to, yet again, wash then out.
Ugghh....I needed to go and get the wipes to clean him off so I could give him another bath. (I do not like the idea of poop in the bathtub) So I tell Reese to stay there and not to move. He nods his head, but this does not necessarily mean that he will comply...

As I run back to the bathroom, wipes in hand, Sadie had slipped past me and was already standing up, holding onto the toilet seat, Reese, had his hand on the flusher, and pushed firmly down without any hesitation. I ran in, grabbed the poopy underwear out of the toilet, and threw them in the bathtub. (I did not want a clogged toilet to deal with)

This is what I like to refer to as my perfect storm.

This is when I began to get frantic....I grab Sadie and took her out to the Liv. Room, I need to get Reese cleaned up first..

But Sadie is relentless, she returns seconds later, full speed charge into the bathroom. AGAIN, I grab her and put her out in the Liv. room and THEN close the bathroom door....moments later I hear her at the door, growling at my defensive move.

But she will have to wait...
I turn to look at Reese, feeling slightly relieved that I can now get down to the (dirty) business of cleaning him...but....
he decided that he wanted to "help" me by cleaning out his own underwear in the toilet.
This is when I let out a loud cry!
I ended up wiping Reese down, washing his hands with soapy water.... and THEN throwing him into a bubble bath....with his sisters...

After the bath, I poured COMET over the entire bathroom and CLEANED! (until the next time)


D-dawg said...

Janelle, I'm so sorry! I felt stressed just reading these poopy issues! So many times I have simply threw the poopy underwear away in a plastic bag in the outside garbage can cause I couldn't bear to clean it again! Keep up the work you're doing a great job. In a few years you'll look back and realize the poopy years were short and flew by. (I hope)

angie said...

I feel your distress and pain and have been there a million times! Poop is just the sickest medium to work with. I am proud of you for "thinking" during the moment...I need to work on that so I don't feel so bad after the disaster has passed.

dots said...

What a DAY!! I'm glad Mikenna is doing her stuff in the potty, even if it is sporadic...but I remember when the other girls were making their messes...not fun!!

Lesley said...

WOW Janelle! That is intense! I am so sorry! They do look so cute in the bathtub though. I can relate on Sadie's favorite place being the bathroom. That is Haley's favorite place too. I don't know what it is about it in there. It's a little easier for me because I don't have others using the bathroom so I can keep the door shut though. She is so adorable!

Jenna Harris said...

This is THE reason that I hate potty training. Fortunately, I have 1.5 to 2 years before I have to do it again.

You have my sympathy.

Boyce Family said...

That's a funny story. I bet you can't wait for the day where you don't have to worry about that anymore, I know I am.

So, how are you? You'll have to check out my blog at

Take Care,
