Sunday, February 10, 2008

my organizer

I have always appreciated the festidiousness of Audrey. She is an impecible orgainzer. This has always amazed me, her ability to be so meticulous when arrainging her "treasures". I mean, look at the Barbie shoe line up...that is impressive. However she has adapted the old adage "out of site, out of mind" when I ask her to clean up or put clothes away. I am constantly finding mounds of items secretly stashed under her bed, in dresser drawers, or thrown in her closet. When I finally discover said items, I make her put everything away, under my supervision...but where does the stashing habit come from? She is always in a rush, perhaps that has something to do with it. Well, in the meantime, I will appreciate her obsessively compulsive organizing. Perhaps her pick-up skills with catch up someday.


Taunya said...

That is so grown up of her! Hopefully when she is a teenager she will couple organizing and tidyness together. One can only hope, right?!

Amy said...

I'm a great example of this. I organize things when I'm playing with them (ex: settlers of catan pieces). However, I struggle with being clean and tidy. I don't know if Audrey organizing her barbie shoes means that she is going to be a tidy person, I definately am not. Sorry.

D-dawg said...

Janelle, my kids are the same, especially Lexi. I have been so mad at her lately with her room when I find things stuffed and hidden everywhere. It is a mess! I don't know where I went wrong but I'm thinking maybe most kids are like that. I am so impressed with her barbie organizing skills though!

Lesley said...

Yeah, those Barbie shoes do look amazing! WOW!!! I bet her pick up skills get better! :) Good luck!