Friday, February 22, 2008

my tag...

taunya tagged here i go:)

What were you doing 10 years ago.....

I was enjoying the single life down at BYU!

5 Things On My List To Do Today:
1. FOLD MY MOUND OF LAUNDREY-a neverending beast it seems
2. Clean up Sadie's room.
4. figure out dinner and make it.
5. Go outside and get some fresh air!!

.Snacks I enjoy....
at the moment...nachos, and carmel/pretzel klondike bars...ooooohhhhh baby!!

What I would do if I were suddenly a millionaire....
oh, if only! i would pay off my house, go on a shopping spree and buy anything and everything that my little heart desired. Go back to hawaii, visit all of our to new zealand. put the rest in the bank.

Three bad habits.....
1. biting my fingernails...i know this is gross, but i do it when i am anxious or stressed.
2. eating a whole carton of ice cream in 2 days.
3. spending too much time on the computer.

Five Places I have lived....
1. Longview, WA
2. Rexburg, Idaho
3. Concord, California.
4. Bridgewater, New Jersey
5. Honolulu, Hawaii

5 jobs I have had....
1. assistant manager for Claire's boutique
2. manager of Cinnabon
3. teller for First Hawaiian Bank
4. secretary for Stanley R. Layton atty.
5. the Malt Shoppe in provo utah.

Five things people don't know about me.....
1. I almost got kicked out of Ricks (sorry mom and dad!)
2. I am a closet narsisist
3. I USED to be a pretty decent basketball player
4. I would love to move to the mountains and live off the land
5. I am in love with James Bond.

Now, I guess I will tag, karen, iman, annaka, mel, & shanna:)


Taunya said...

Wow... Janelle! Sounds like there is a story there with Ricks! You will have to fill me in some time. I loved Ricks!

Lesley said...

Fun stuff! I learned a few things! I wish I could say that I have lived in Hawaii! or for that matter even visited there! So fun!

D-dawg said...

Janelle, I had forgotten about all the places you worked and I totally remember when you were a manager at Claire's! Also, I remember your basketball skills. We were on the same team when I was like 8 or something and I was so embarrassingly bad!