Friday, February 1, 2008

my days of snow

We enjoyed all the snow and ice this week. The kids (& I) built a snow tunnel.


angie said...

dude girl- your "snow tunnel" rules! That looks so fun. i need to get out in the snow and play with my kids- I am using the tunnel idea!

karen said...

Oh my goodness. That's a LOT of snow !!!!!!!! It'll be fun to live in WA with you guys and make snowmen. Don't know if I can survive the cold weather :)

Lesley said...

That is a ton of snow, especially for the Tri-Cities! WOW! How fun! You are such a fun mom, I bet they loved it! I want to do that!

D-dawg said...

That is so awesome Janelle! You guys have so much snow. You are a great mom to get out there and do that with them. Also, I love how all of your posts start with "my...." It is a good idea.

Taunya said...

Yea! I'm so happy to see you blogging again! Wasn't that snow incredible?! So fun!