Wednesday, January 10, 2007

my lack of sleep

okay, so i am over it now...but this morning was another story.

i was so devestated by the events that transpired during the late evening and all thru the night.

so, basically bedtime is a constant battle with reese. he is up 20-30 times before he finally gives in to his worst enemy, no, no...his arch enemy...calmness and serenity...and then finally sleep. i have tried no naps, short naps, long naps, running him around outside, bedtime stories...etc. we have had a routine at bedtime since he was born. brush teeth, read a book, then bed. but for some reason, he absolutely will not stay in bed and fights it will every fiber of his being. he falls asleep last and gets up first.

so after he fell asleep around 9:30 (we layed them down at 8:15, audrey will try to negotiate another drink or something, but she usually stays down and goes to bed.) my night was just begining. sadie was wide awake until about midnight. i fed her at 11:00pm. she has always been easy, and not much of a fusser, but for some reason...maybe it was our dinner....she was wide eyed and fussy/ after she dozed off around midnight, i tried to trick myself into believing that i would get some zzzzzzzzz's about an hour later reese started yell/crying. you know that sound? it is not just crying, but forcibly projected yelling SLASH crying. i wait a few minutes to see if he will calm himself down, but i cannot stand that noise for very i go in and tell him to calm down and go back to sleep. he says okay and does.

then another hour and half later, the same thing happens with reese. then sadie is passing gas, so she is starting to fuss...then reese again. then sadie, then audrey chimes in and starts yelling "MOM, MOM, MOM..." at the top of her lungs, she has to go to the bathroom, but is too afraid to get up in the dark. then sadie wakes up agian, by this time it is about 5:30am. she is crying, so i get up and give her her pacifier like 4 times in a matter of 30 minutes. by then, everyone was "GETTING UP FOR THE DAY":) i usually get up at 5:30am b/c that is when the girl i babysit gets here. but i didnt have to babysit her today, so last night i naively thought "oh, good, i will get to sleep in till 7 b/c i dont have to babysit". so, that was my night/early morning. i suppose i need to accept the fact that i no longer will have stretches of sleep more than 2-3 hours long. the sooner i embrace it the easier it will be. now i am laughing at how commical it was and how silly my kids are. but at 6am it was another story...


D-dawg said...

wow, that was some night! I have decided that it is the most upsetting and frustrating thing in the world when you THINK you are going to get sleep and then don't. I always think it will be easier if I just plan on no sleep.... but it's not. As for Reese... it might sound bad but you could clear out his entire room so that's it's empty except his bed and then lock him in at night until he's asleep?? That has sort of been my plan for when Macey learns how to crawl out of her crib. But maybe it's bad and mean. I don't know. Good luck! I hope you get more sleep tonight.

angie said...

I think you are right about just knowing ahead of time that you will be tired and not be sleeping at night and then when you have a magical night with kids sleeping for once you will be surprised! A little excitment in a mom's life goes a long way! I have been there, and recently the twins learned how to get out of their cribs and now are in big boy beds and it was very rough for a few days! I am glad that Sadie has been such a great baby. Preston too is so happy and good and never fusses (except when I clean behind his ears}