Thursday, March 22, 2007

my "class"

I taught Audrey's "pre-school" for the last 2 weeks. Here are the girls in her "class".

It stared with 2 other kids, but they both have moved out. It was pretty funny to watch the girls interact. They all get along great, but usually during the course of the 2 hour "class" someone is saying..."she isn't sharing/being nice/doing it right...etc." At first I was so bothered by it, but then I realized these girls are so fickle, that their mood changes in an instant. One minute they are squabbling, the next, they are best friends. I like trade-teaching b/c I like to know what is going on with Audrey. They are all pretty cute and fun friends for Audrey. She enjoys going to "school" at the other girls' houses.

The mom in my ward who set it up used to be a teacher, so it is actually pretty structured and educational. We use all of her resources and tools. I feel like it has helped Audrey learn.


D-dawg said...

I think that is a great way to go. It saves so much money and you do get to interact with your kids and get to know their friends and see how they all interact. My kids have done preschool at a lady's house here in our neighborhood/ward. We don't have a co-op type preschool here or else I would try that. What do Reese and Sadie do while you're "teaching?"

Lesley said...

That is such a cool idea Janelle! They all look so cute sitting there by each other! So is it every day at someone else's house each day? I love the fact that you get to be involved with your child and see how they interact and stuff! I'll have to look into something like that when Haley gets old enough! Thanks for the great idea! Cute pics!

Ryan said...

Does Reece peer at Audrey's class through a cracked door with a water gun behind his back?

angie said...

That's awesome! I did something similiar with kameron when we lived in Chicago.