Saturday, August 2, 2008

my cheesy novelty toy

After the chaos that was my life in July, I was at the store and saw this big, blue, bouncy, textured ball. In the past while I was shopping, it seemed I would see this ball and think to myself, "that looks like it would be fun to play with...oh, $7.00?? I am not going to spend that much on something so pointless. "
But, after my stress and anxiety this last month, I decided to splurge on the ball and I forked out 7 bucks. After all...wasn't all my hard work worth a cheesy 7 dollar novelty toy...? By the time I got home with my new toy, I had a different question for myself like, why do I "reward" myself with a cheesy 7 dollar novelty toy? Shouldn't it be more like a day at the spa??? I am so low-maintenance...


D-dawg said...

Janelle, lol! First of all, I think it is great to reward yourself for hard work!! I love to reward myself! But yes, next time go for something bigger. It is great though that all you wanted was the ball. I got one of those for Logan awhile back and I have to admit they are fun!

dots said...

we can be low maintenance together...