Sunday, November 30, 2008

my little tid bits

Sadie has gotten into the habit of going thru Audrey's 'personal' effects. She found some glitter glue and thought it was makeup and put it all over her mouth. She also made a cute little candy turkey in her class that she was so proud of and so excited to eat...
The weather has turned from cold to colder here. But I have to admit, that I love waking up to FOG. I feel like I am up on Cape Cod.
Reese got his cast off after 3 week. His hand was a little stinky, but not too bad. I was always so suprised how he RARELY complained about having a cast or the pain of the break. His skin was a little flakey so we called him snake man.


karen said...

brrrr cold !! we haven't had fog here yet.. the coldest it got here is 40.. sadie is so funny

Taunya said...

Haha! That is so funny that she put glitter glue on her lips! Did it come off ok?

I love the fog in the morning too. It's mysterious!